Consider using your wildcard if you started well. It means your team is most likely well set up so you may not need it before it expires on Dec 31st, and momentum is a powerful weapon in FPL ( like sleep is to Jason Bourne , grab it while you can )
Consider going 4 or 5 at the back in GWK2, traditionally a lot less goals are scored in this week
Stick to your plan, don't panic but spends are ok this time of year, you can get them back
Wildcard in every bandwagon, use the wildcard to set your team up properly and correct obvious mistakes
Stay up late intrigued by a video of a certain referee only to stumble on a picture accidentally, you'll never sleep again
Over fixate about prices, let things settle. You certainly don't need to panic about bringing in Kante just yet.
Consider using your wildcard if you started well. It means your team is most likely well set up so you may not need it before it expires on Dec 31st, and momentum is a powerful weapon in FPL ( like sleep is to Jason Bourne , grab it while you can )
Consider going 4 or 5 at the back in GWK2, traditionally a lot less goals are scored in this week
Stick to your plan, don't panic but spends are ok this time of year, you can get them back
Wildcard in every bandwagon, use the wildcard to set your team up properly and correct obvious mistakes
Stay up late intrigued by a video of a certain referee only to stumble on a picture accidentally, you'll never sleep again
Over fixate about prices, let things settle. You certainly don't need to panic about bringing in Kante just yet.
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